
I’m originally from Michigan (Go Blue!). I’m an outdoor activity enthusiast, and have become a thrill seeker since moving to CA. You might see me riding around SF on my bike, nicknamed Hasufel. If it can be pedaled, shredded, or ripped, I’ll try it 🤙.

Professional Bio

A computer scientist by training, I moved into applied work for grad school. I was a Ph.D. student in Computational Biology, and a Master’s student in Machine Learning, at the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University. My advisor was Dr. Ziv Bar-Joseph, and my research areas spanned machine learning and genomics.

My primary research interest was to develop machine learning methods for representation learning of transcriptomics data. My work encompassed dimensionality reduction, batch effect correction, classification, and marker characterization for scRNA-seq data.

Now in industry, I’ve changed domains from transcriptomics to proteomics.